Getting Bigger

Getting Bigger

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Update December 3, 2009

Autumn was moved to the Special Care Nursery this past Sunday night. Because she is stable, she has her own room, which is awesome.. Autumn is up to a whopping 3 lbs and 1 ounce, but she acts like a big girl. She still likes to wiggle around her isolette and bust out of her blanket. She has been drinking bottles at every feeding, and just guzzled her noon bottle down in 2 minutes..She is just 34 weeks and a day, so we are hoping if she keeps up this pace, we can have her home before her due date (January 13th). The doctors say she may be a little anemic, but so far it is not presenting a problem, and the Docs say there is no for a need for a blood transfusion right now.

I will bug Carl to post some new pictures..I promise.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sweet Autumn,
    You are doing such a wonderful job eating all of your food. You will be big enough to go home with Mom, Dad and your Big Sister Carly before you know it.
    Great Grandpa Carl & I are very proud of you and we are so pleased that you are getting bigger and stronger with each passing day.
    You are a Sweet Angel!!!!!!!!!!!
    We Love You, Poppa John & Great Grandpa
